Saturday 14 July 2012

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

About 9 months ago, my hearing became abnormally poor, to be fair my hearing has never been tip top. Having been identified as having hearing problems from the age of six months old, throughout my life at best my level of hearing had been decidedly average at best.

Following a visit to my GP, a hospital visit was arranged to attend the Audiology Unit of the Royal Berkshire Hospital. There I was to undergo a very comprehensive assessment of my hearing.

It was of no surprise, the results confirmed I had severe hearing loss at the low level frequencies, however what did surprise me was that within two weeks I had not only been assessed, but fitted with BTE (Behind the Ear) digital hearing aids.

Anyone who has ever worn them will understand how difficult they are to tune into, but after a few weeks, and some minor adjustments, we were to become life long companions.
At this point the NHS Doctors and Staff had been very supportive and informative, as also had been family, friends and work colleagues.

It was brilliant, I now heard things so much clearer, and engaging in groups had become a bit easier, though with some limitations. Of an evening it was still better to watch the TV with cordless headphones, a Christmas present from my long suffering wife,Sue.

"I hear voices", was the statement I made to my wife's amusement. But we were now having proper conversations. With a setting to pick up Teleloop, information was so much easier to understand.

Strangely enough I had realised that due to the visual presence of my hearing aids, people were actually ensuring that they faced me when they spoke, their speech was slower and clearer, and their patience was heartwarming.

My appointment arrived to visit the ENT clinic, (Ear Nose and Throat). A consultation with the Doctor had concluded that their was no change in my condition, the possibility of surgery may provide a more permanent solution, or at least an explanation into my current condition. My opinion was that the ends needed to justify the means. If any surgery was required what would be the level of risk to reward, s dangerous operation, achieving only minor improvement would not be attractive to me. On this basis, the Doctor said that he would prefer me to see a Specialist to discuss the options, an appointment was duly sent through a week later in the post.

The day had arrived, not really knowing what to expect from the day, my anticipation was that the status quo would remain, no surgery, but hearing aids for the foreseeable future. At this point I can honestly say apart from the mild discomfort while bedding them in, my hearing aids have been a constant companion, without which my life would have remained quiet and muffled.

The customary hearing test, revealed there had been an improvement since my last hearing test.

The Doctor whom I had seen on my last visit, was in attendance, but the consultation was to be with the ENT Specialist. We discussed at length, my recent problems along with my deafness as a child.

The Specialist then after looking inside my ears, looked up my nose, strange as no one had ever done this before. He said he wanted a more detailed internal inspection. This was performed by the Doctor, a camera was inserted up the nostril and through into the cavities beyond. This does not sound pleasant, but it is merely a strange sensation, one of which is only mild discomfort.

He believed he had found the answer, EDT, Eustachian Tube Disorder. The result of which is that the inner ear is unable to function correctly due to an imbalance of air pressure on the ear drum. I was asked if I was able to pop my ears, which I did with mild success.

The Specialist explained, the ET was the essential tube that equalises pressure on both sides of the ear drum, when this becomes blocked or contaminated with mucus, the air cannot enter the inner ear.

Using a small device called an "ear popper" he placed the unit against my nostril and instructed me to swallow, repeating the exercise on the nostril after. As the unit was placed against the nostril it was switched on, like a small pump.

Pop, my ears popped as they had not done in a long time, the result was, without realising I was having clear dialogue without hearing aids.

EDT was explained in greater technical detail, and that with the aid of nasal steroid sprays, my condition could be controlled.

I thanked the Doctor and Specialist, after agreeing to a follow up appointment in six months, left the Hospital and returned to my car, wearing my hearing aids. Started the car and the radio was deafening.

The next day my wife order a unit called an Ear Popper on the Internet, £130.00+ VAT. I went to work with my hearing aids in my pocket , just in case, they remained there, and not only had my hearing returned but it was far better than I ever recall it being.

The unit arrived two days later and now the hearing aids remain in a box on the bedside cabinet, I see no reason for them to be further required, but will know for sure in six months.

The best of all, no surgery, and a positive result through a simple and effective process. A small investment on my part.

Thank you to my long suffering wife Sue, who now has to learn not to shout.

And a big Thank You to the NHS Doctors and Staff.

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